Home » Flight Reports » September 1st Flying

September 1st Flying

Great weather with very little wind saw an (almost) all-electric fleet of LAFF’s planes this morning at Elkins Field. Several new planes were in evidence, including my new “MayBee” flat-foamie scheduled for the pages of Park Pilot magazine (Spring 2020, I’m guessing), with the maiden flight in the hands of Harold Anderson. Kris Frost brought two planes we hadn’t seen before—one of them a “SlowPoke” from Hobby King, and the other one a good-flying Flex Innovations “Extra 300 G2”. Mike Light and Harold treated us to formation flying with their two big Cessnas—and a landing that came close to being a Cessna sandwich, although there was no chance of that, given the skills of Mike and Harold.

As things began to wind down around noon, we agreed to meet again Monday to try it all again.

— Larry.