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Sunday Flying

Believing the weather forecast for yesterday, club members were charged and primed to fly in the morning, only to be met with a “gotcha” from Mother Nature. However, as the day progressed and increasing temperatures were accompanied by less and less wind, there were a lot of flights put up at Elkins Field by more and more people later in the afternoon.

Matt Biga drove down from Wichita, Kansas with a bevy of new planes, Leonard Baker flew his big World Models “L-4”, Mike Light got more stick time on his new E-flite Carbon Z “Cessna 150”, and stalwart members Bob McFadden and Mike Hervey put up many “Stick” flights. The afternoon was capped off by the formation flying of three Carbon Z “Cessnas” belonging to Mike Light, Harold Anderson, and Matt Biga.

The accompanying photos show some of the activity going on as we stole one more good flying day from the clutches of Old Man Winter.

— Larry