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Wingz-n-Dawgz 2019 report

Although our annual “Wingz-n-Dawgz” day was a bit on the nippy side early in the morning, by 10 o’clock after everyone was registered, it became more flyable–save for the crosswind from the west. Fortunately, that wind shifted to more of a southwesterly direction and didn’t seem to impact flying that much as the day went on. We were pleased to welcome participants from the West Side R/C Club in Yukon, and a contingent that made the long trek from the Amarillo RC Club to be with us, most of them for the first time. We heard many compliments on the field and particularly the Wichita Mountains flying backdrop that we tend to take for granted far more than we should.

Of special note, we were glad to welcome Matt Biga back from the Mid-East where he had been assigned to an air base in Qatar providing air to air re-fueling services in his capacity as a tanker driver. While we have always been astonished at his skill with fixed wing RC aircraft, we were even more impressed with his outstanding skills as a heli pilot. Who knew? He and Harold Anderson provided some entertaining team flying with their Cessnas, Avantis, and Vipers.

Probably the hit of the day was Kris Frost’s Tundra that was rigged to drop a sky-diver from a bottom hatch. Still missing in action are the parachute and its occupant, who, when dropped on their final flight from about 200 feet in the air, did not drift down as they had been doing, but snagged a thermal and disappeared out of sight overhead and to the north and east as the thermal refused to let go of then.

The considered opinion of all the LAFFS members present, was that this was the best and most successful “Wingz-n-Dawgz” we have had the pleasure of hosting. Thanks goes to Bob McFadden, who ramrodded the effort, and all of those members who volunteered in mowing the field; registering the participants; cooking the noon lunch; running the contest event; schlepping all of the equipment, tables, and shelters needed; and generally helping out in every way imaginable to make it an excellent event. We were heartened by the many comments from our out-of- town guests who expressed their appreciation for the event–and promised to be back again next year. Well done, everyone!
